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Wizardz World PLAY NOW
Wizardz World SwinttSelect

Wizardz World

In a dark and magical world, two wizard factions fight over who is stronger!

Secrets, spells and magic are the lead words in Wizardz World. Elysium Studios breaks the rules once again by creating another magnificent game which demands the players engagement and total attention. Wizardz World spellbind the player into an unforgettable atmosphere.


Get 6 Wizards and 1 WILD as 1x3 FAT TILES for more wins! Nudge randomly makes the fat tiles fully visible to generate bigger wins.

Fill one of the two bars on the sides to trigger the bonus round.
Blue Wizards, part of the Light Wizards’ Faction, fill the blue bar.
Green Wizards, part of the Dark Wizards’ Faction, fill the green bar.

Get into a battle with guaranteed wins and pick your fighter every round!

Wizardz World Wizardz World Wizardz World Wizardz World Wizardz World Wizardz World